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Amusement Park Accidents

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Amusement Park Accident Lawyers in New Jersey

We Help Injury Victims Throughout New Jersey

When you take your family to a New Jersey amusement park, like Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson Township, Bowcraft Amusement Park in Scotch Plains or Land of Make Believe in Hope Township, you have every reason to believe that it will be an exciting time. You certainly don’t expect your day to conclude with a significant injury to you or a loved one. As much fun as it can be to go to one of NJ’s many amusement parks, however, it can also be incredibly dangerous. Accidents happen all the time at amusement parks, particularly when the amusement park operators cut corners and try to save a few bucks instead of taking the necessary precautions to ensure that roller coasters and other rides are safe.

If you or a loved one has sustained a serious injury as a result of an amusement park accident, whether it occurred on a ride at a theme park, water park or carnival, you need a skilled personal injury lawyer on your side. The personal injury and premises liability attorneys at Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC have decades of experience assisting accident victims in cases throughout Union, Somerset and Essex counties, New Jersey, including Scotch Plains, Bridgewater and Newark.

Get Free Advice From An Experienced Premises Liability Lawyer. All You Have To Do Is Call 866-845-5571 or Fill Out Our Free Case Evaluation Form.

Special Laws Govern Amusement Parks in Union, Somerset, and Essex Counties

NJ premises liability law imposes a duty of care on property owners to take steps necessary to either remove unsafe conditions from their premises or warn visitors of the dangerous conditions. Since visitors to amusement parks are considered “business invitees,” they are owed an even higher standard of care than typical invitees. Amusement park owners and carnival operators are legally required to both remove unsafe conditions and warn visitors of potentially unsafe areas on the premises.

Beyond that, New Jersey legislators passed a specific statute, the NJ Carnival and Amusement Ride Safety Act, which holds amusement park operators, as well as the manufacturers of amusement rides, to a heightened duty of care when it comes to ensuring the safety of visitors. The statute requires equipment manufacturers to obtain official clearance in the form of a certificate prior to selling a ride to an amusement park. Additionally, the statute requires amusement ride owners to pass an annual inspection and obtain a permit for use each year.

Find Out What Your Case Is Worth – Call 866-845-5571 or Fill Out Our Free Case Evaluation Form.

Causes of Amusement Park Accidents and Serious Injuries in NJ

In the event that you or a loved one sustained an injury due to an amusement park operator’s negligence, whether you suffered a slip & fall or were injured in some other kind of accident, you may be able to file a personal injury claim against the amusement park owner. Additionally, if you were injured as a result of a faulty machine or defective part on an amusement ride, you may have grounds for a product liability claim against the ride manufacturer.

Among the most common causes of amusement park accidents in NJ are:

Schedule a Free Consultation with Experienced Amusement Park Accident Attorneys in Scotch Plains, Bridgewater, and Newark, New Jersey

Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC is a team of personal injury and premises liability attorneys dedicated to assisting accident victims who need compensation for their injuries. If you or a family member suffered an injury while visiting one of New Jersey’s many amusement parks, Jon Bramnick or one of his skilled colleagues can help you hold the negligent parties liable and get you maximum compensation for your injuries. Call us now to discuss your options or schedule a free consultation at one of our offices in Scotch Plains, Morristown, Newark, East Brunswick, Clifton or Cherry Hill, NJ.




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