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Three Common Roadblocks to US Citizenship for Immigrants

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Three Common Roadblocks to US Citizenship for Immigrants

Some say the privilege of being able to call yourself a United States citizen may be more difficult to attain than it has ever been before. As the issue of immigration remains at the forefront of the American conscience, it’s compelling many who are not familiar with the process (and don’t have to be) to consider exactly what it takes to be able to call America home. All applications for naturalization are as different as the people whose names are on them. However there are some common roadblocks in the process immigrants must keep in mind if they want to become citizens.

  • Time outside of the United States prior to applying for naturalization
  • Language barriers
  • Criminal convictions, (securing dispositions from criminal matters)
  • Fraud in obtaining green cards

The Waiting Game

Patience is a required virtue for those seeking naturalization. After you receive a green card, you must wait five years to be approved for naturalization.

Legal Issues

Applicants are asked to disclose a detailed legal history, including criminal matters, including DWI, to failure to pay child support. All of these can work against you if you’re not able to demonstrate that you have satisfactorily resolved past legal challenges. If you’re unclear as to which infractions will hurt your chances, it’s best to speak with an experienced and knowledgeable immigration attorney who is familiar with the laws and processes.

For some the path to US citizenship is clear and straightforward, yet for others, challenges they have faced while in the United States will make naturalization difficult, if not impossible. If you are concerned that your past will prevent you from becoming a US citizen in the future, Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC’s esteemed immigration lawyer Michael Noriega is standing by to help. Mr. Noriega has a long and successful history of making sure immigrants in New Jersey are treated fairly. Call now for a free consultation about obtaining a Green Card, a visa or if you need help fighting deportation.




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