By Michael Noriega SWEEPING CHANGES ARE OFTEN TOUTED AS A REMEDY to some deficiency or harm that has purposefully or systematically corrupted a process, and the recent revisions to New Jersey’s money bail system are no exception. Defendants have been spending inordinate amounts of time in custody awaiting trial or court appearances, solely because they could not afford to pay…
New Jersey roads pose serious safety risks for motorists, passengers, and pedestrians. Whether you are driving on a busy highway during rush hour or are traveling along local road at night, you could be involved in an auto accident. The total number of car accidents has been on the rise in recent years in New Jersey and throughout the country.…
As a dog owner, you may not expect your dog to suddenly lose control and attack a passerby on the sidewalk. However, you need to realize that dogs can become vicious and attack even if they do not have a history of doing so. Additionally, it’s possible that your dog could be provoked by a loud noise or sudden movement…
NJ gun laws impose incredibly harsh penalties on offenders. In fact, many weapons offenses in New Jersey carry mandatory prison sentences, in accordance with the NJ Graves Act. As a result, it is critical that anyone charged with a gun crime in the Garden State has an experienced criminal defense attorney on their side and fighting on their behalf throughout…
The consequences of a criminal conviction in New Jersey can include jail time and monetary penalties. Moreover, certain crimes, such as weapons offenses, carry mandatory prison sentences. Although some defendants are able to beat their criminal charges at trial and get a jury to issue a not-guilty verdict, the best way to ensure that you avoid the most severe penalties…