A slip and fall accident is one of the most difficult to prove for various reasons. For starters, you need evidence on your side to show the court why another party is liable for your injuries. You also need to show that you were not negligent in the accident that led to your injuries. In order to prove fault in…
After an accident, it is natural to experience shock and confusion about what has happened. It is also normal to not fully grasp the extent of your injuries until the shock of the accident has passed. For this reason, accident victims should always seek out a medical evaluation to rule out the possibility of injuries. Questions to Ask Your Doctor…
Criminal defense attorneys are often glamorized on television as super sleuth detectives, and there is kernel of truth to this depiction of defense attorneys, as the best defense attorneys must unravel the state’s entire case in order to understand how best to craft a defense. Depending on the nature of your charges, the strategy that your attorney uses could make…
Swimming pools can be very fun for those who use them, but they also come with a certain level of responsibility. The state of New Jersey has a 50-page document called the Bathing Code. This code dictates how to promote safety while swimming. Who Is Liable for a Swimming Pool Accident in New Jersey? When a swimming pool accident occurs,…
One of the best things about the holidays is spending time with our loved ones. For most Americans, this means traveling long distances to be together with extended family members. Research conducted by Allstate indicates that the average one-way distance to holiday vacation areas is usually over 200 miles for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other holidays throughout the year. Be Safe…