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How Does Workers’ Compensation Work?

If you know someone who has suffered an injury while on the job, you’ve likely heard of workers’ compensation. Under this system, injured employees are able to receive medical treatment and have a portion of their wages replaced after being injured in a work-related accident or becoming ill on the job. This system is governed by a set of laws,…

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Can I Go to Jail for Criminal Mischief in NJ?

Criminal mischief sounds like a minor juvenile crime, but it carries hefty consequences in New Jersey. Criminal mischief can include a wide number of actions, so it’s important to know the law before you attempt to pull off a prank on another person or business. Too many learn too late that their joke is actually considered a crime. What Constitutes…

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Scaffolding Accidents: FAQs

If you’ve worked in the construction industry, then you’re probably already all-too-familiar with why scaffolding is dangerous. A fall from a shaky scaffolding can be fatal, so you and your co-workers can’t afford to make any mistakes when it comes to putting together and using scaffolding the right way. Were you recently injured on-the-job in a scaffolding accident? If so,…

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What Crimes Can Get Expunged in New Jersey?

Are you still living in the shadow of your past criminal conviction? If you’ve already served your time, then you’re likely wondering – is a criminal conviction a life-long sentence? Is there any way to get rid of your criminal record? Depending on your eligibility and the nature of your previous crime, expungement may be an option for you. First,…

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FDA Warning: Covid-19 Fraud Activity on the Rise

As the novel Coronavirus continues to take thousands of lives worldwide, individuals are taking advantage of the crisis and a lack of medical recourse for victims. As Coronavirus-related fraud continues to rise, the FDA and other government agencies are urging citizens to be aware of these schemes. Get this important information out to your friends and family now. What Does…

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