Slip and fall accidents in grocery stores represent one of the most common examples of a premises liability accident, which include accident injury claims arising from a property owner’s failure to keep visitors to their premises safe from dangerous or defective conditions of the property. Grocery store slips and falls are so common because we all go to the store…
Summertime means beach days, barbecues, and pool parties. However, the activities common to summer are also typically times where people will partake in consuming alcohol. As a result, alcohol-related motor vehicle fatality rates tend to noticeably increase during the summer. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that alcohol-related traffic deaths in the summer can be as high as double…
Being arrested for a crime can easily be a scary and stressful situation. If this is your first experience with the criminal justice system, you may not know what to do following your arrest. However, taking the wrong actions after you have been arrested can seriously jeopardize your legal rights and potentially increase the chances that you are convicted. You…
The summer season often means many of us will hit the road to get out to enjoy events in the warmer weather and to take road-trip vacations. While the summer is considered the most dangerous season to be driving, you can take steps to help keep yourself safe and protect yourself from the increased risks of motor vehicle accidents…
If you are facing a criminal charge for the first time in your life, you may be eligible for admission to a diversionary program. In these programs, a defendant can avoid a criminal conviction or even avoid having any record of their arrest and charge removed from their record, so long as the defendant successfully completes the terms of…