The Naturalization Test: What Every Immigrant Should Know
You might have the papers, the years spent stateside, the Green Card, the great moral character and a perfect pile of paperwork ready for your citizenship to be pushed through. However, one last major obstacle stands in your way of becoming a US citizen. This obstacle, of course, is the naturalization test. Your citizenship will depend on whether or not you pass the test; so it’s a test to be taken very seriously.
The test, which is administered to citizenship applicants by the USCIS, basically shows whether or not you are capable of speaking enough English, and knowing enough about American civics, to stay in the country. Once you have made the appointment to take the citizenship test, you will have to start studying. Here is a general overview of what you should expect to see on the test.
- There are two major fields of study that the naturalization test will measure – your English fluency and your knowledge of American civics.
- The civics test is an oral test, and will be compiled of 10 questions randomly picked from a set of 100. You need to get at least six questions correct in order to past this portion of the naturalization test.
- The English portion of the test will include both oral and written portions.
- The oral English portion will include you reading sentences in English. You also will be required to show that you have a grasp of the English language, which will be determined by a USCIS officer. Lastly, you also will have to write one out of three sentences in English without error in order to pass the English portion of the exam.
- The USCIS has some study materials on its site to help you pass the exam, but it’s highly encouraged to study with a group, too.
While the naturalization test may not take too long to take, it will have a defining impact on whether or not you will be able to stay in this country. Of course, many immigrants often find that their application is denied before they even make the appointment to take the test. Having an experienced immigration lawyer on your side may boost your chances of success when it comes to citizenship.
Contact Michael Noriega at the law firm of Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC for a review of your case and sound legal advice.