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Immigration Rules and Laws

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Immigration Rules and Laws

Immigration Rules and LawsIt is a well known fact that the United States of America was built on immigration. Immigrants came from places like Ireland and Germany in the early 19th century and then others from Greece, Italy, Poland, Russia and Syria followed suit in the late 19th century.

Fast forward to 2016 and there were 1.49 million foreign-born individuals that moved to the United States. This group consisted of people from India, China, Mexico, Cuba, the Philippines and other countries scattered across the globe.

Many immigrants — past and present — choose to travel to the United States for a chance at living the “American Dream” or even to escape the troubles of their own countries. The immigrants entering the United States borders enter with goals and dreams for a better life and they benefit the economy and advance diversity in the United States.  

The immigration system of the United States is incredible complex with a multitude of rules and regulations that pertain to all non-united states citizens in the country.  Generally, those rules and regulations are meant to govern who comes in, who gets deported, and how people become citizens in the country.

Application of the existing laws are constantly shifting:

After the change in administration in the White House, the President has issued executive orders and new regulations that have affected the everyday applications of immigration law.   In January of last year President Trump issued two orders that included a number of new measures including:

  • The building of a massive wall to secure the southern border
  • Including those charged with any criminal offense as part of the removable aliens who are deemed enforcement priorities
  • Allocation of funds/resources to increased detention space and border patrol agents
  • Bringing back the Secure Communities Program while eliminating the Priority Enforcement Program

Another executive order from 2017 called for the temporary suspension of visa issuance and other immigration benefits from nationals of the seven countries of Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. It also reduced the refugee quota while indefinitely suspending refugees from Syria.

This executive order was met with litigation and a federal court ended up issuing a nationwide temporary restraining order that kept the government from enforcing several of the provisions of the executive order.

It is clear that there will be a continuing effort on the part of this administration to limit legal immigration into this country, making it harder for the average person to comply, complete and succeed in lawful immigration.

If you are in a similar situation, you will need the help of an experienced immigration lawyer.

NJ Immigration Attorney Protects Your Rights

Immigration issues arise all the time and some of them are too much to handle on your own. An experienced immigration attorney, like those at Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC, will go a long way in working out any issues that may arise.

Specifically, Michael Noriega, Esq., will utilize his vast knowledge of immigration law and its requirements to make sure your rights and interests are protected. He will also fight tirelessly if you or a family member are facing deportation.

If you are looking for an honest assessment of any risks and benefits in regard to your immigration case, you need to contact Michael Noriega. Just fill out the online contact form to begin discussing your case.

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.




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