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From Construction Accidents to Occupational Diseases: Understanding the Types of Work-Related Injuries in New Jersey

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From Construction Accidents to Occupational Diseases: Understanding the Types of Work-Related Injuries in New Jersey

From Construction Accidents to Occupational Diseases: Understanding the Types of Work-Related Injuries in New Jersey

Workplace injuries can happen to anyone, regardless of their occupation or industry, from office buildings to construction sites. Accidents, broken equipment, dangerous materials, and repetitive motions can all lead to these kinds of injuries. In New Jersey, there are several types of work-related injuries that employees should be aware of to protect their rights and obtain fair compensation. In this article, we explore the different types of work-related injuries, their causes, and how Bramnick Law can help injured workers.

Construction Accidents

Construction sites are inherently dangerous due to the heavy machinery, power tools, and other hazardous materials used on site. Accidents can happen in construction for a number of reasons, including falls from heights, electrical hazards, accidents with heavy machinery, being hit by falling objects, and more. The injuries can be severe and life-threatening, including traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and broken bones. Construction workers who get hurt on the job may be able to get paid for their medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip-and-fall accidents are common in many workplaces, including offices, retail stores, construction sites, and warehouses. Accidents like these can happen because of wet floors, cluttered walkways, uneven ground, loose carpeting, or inadequate lighting. Slip-and-fall accidents can result in injuries such as minor bruises, broken bones, serious head injuries, and sprains. If you have been injured in a slip-and-fall accident at work, you may be able to file a workers’ compensation claim.

Repetitive Motion Injuries

Repetitive motion injuries are common in jobs that require making the same motions over and over again. Repeated movements, such as typing or lifting, that put stress on the muscles, tendons, and nerves are what cause repetitive strain injuries (RSIs). RSIs can result in pain, numbness, and tingling in the affected area. Common RSIs include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, such as tennis elbow, and bursitis. Workers who get RSIs may be able to get paid for their medical care and lost wages.

Occupational Diseases

Occupational diseases are illnesses that develop as a result of exposure to risky substances or situations at work. These diseases can take years to develop and may not be immediately apparent. Breathing in asbestos or diesel fumes can lead to occupational diseases like mesothelioma, lung diseases, and lung cancer. If you have been diagnosed with an occupational disease, you may be able to file a workers’ compensation claim or pursue a lawsuit against your employer to get money for their medical expenses and lost wages.

Your Legal Rights

Understanding your rights as a worker in New Jersey is essential if you have been injured on the job. Workers’ compensation laws in New Jersey make sure that employees who get hurt on the job or get sick because of their job duties get the help they need. But it can be hard to understand the complicated legal system without the help of an attorney. If you have been injured at work, it’s important to seek legal advice as soon as possible. 

Contact a Scotch Plains Construction Accident Lawyer Today For a Free Consultation About Your Work Injury Lawsuit

At Bramnick, Rodriguez, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC, we understand that being injured on the job can be a life-changing event. We also know that figuring out how the legal system works can be hard, especially if you’re trying to focus on getting better. That’s why we’re here to help. Our team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to fighting for the rights of injured workers in New Jersey. We’ll work tirelessly to protect your rights and ensure that you receive the best possible outcome. We have a proven track record of obtaining fair compensation for our clients, and we will work tirelessly to help you get the justice you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let us help you get back on your feet.




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