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Distracted Teen Drivers Get into Accidents Often in NJ

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Distracted Teen Drivers Get into Accidents Often in NJ

There are many ways teenagers can get themselves in trouble, but perhaps there is no place more dangerous – statistically – that teens are more in danger than when driving New Jersey roads. Auto accidents are the leading cause of teen death in the U.S. and NJ.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that teen drivers are more likely to be in a fatal car accident than all other drivers — three times more likely, in fact. Worse yet, 43 percent of teenagers say they text and drive, all the while admitting they know it’s dangerous. Truth is, the U.S. DOT (Department of Transportation) says people who text are 23 times likely to be in a car accident.

Here are some harrowing facts about accidents involving teen drivers in NJ:

  • There is a car crash involving a teenager every 10 minutes in New Jersey.
  • Teens crash because of distraction, speeding, failure to yield and just plain lack of experience more than any other reasons.
  • Of all accidents in NJ, there are more involving teens than any other age group of drivers.
  • Teens are the least likely drivers to use life-saving belts.
  • The most teen accidents happen on Fridays.
  • The most dangerous time for teenage drivers to be on the road is between 3 and 6 p.m.
  • More male teen drivers are involved in car crashes than their female counterparts.

Remind your teen driver often about the dangers of distracted driving. Tell them about the statistics. However, if they are in an accident, speak to a skilled motor vehicle accident attorney about getting compensation for their injuries. Don’t just assume they were at fault. Contact Bramnick, Rodriguez, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC for a free consultation about your personal injury case.




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