During the winter months in New Jersey, we are exposed to severe snow and ice storms and freezing temperatures for weeks on end. With this harsh weather comes more dangerous and hazardous conditions, especially for outdoor work environments. The increased hazards of wintertime conditions also leads to an increased risk of workplace accidents. While some work accidents only result in…
New Jersey’s workers’ compensation system offers injured employees benefits after suffering work-related injuries and illnesses. Even though you or a loved one may suffer a work injury or an occupational illness, you may find that your workers’ compensation claim is denied by your employer or its workers’ compensation insurer. If you’ve had a workers’ compensation claim denied, you should understand…
Delivery drivers have been working overtime in light of the current Coronavirus pandemic. With New Jersey residents being asked to isolate and practice social distancing, more and more people have turned to delivery services to buy groceries and other necessities. While the industry has seemingly boomed as a result of this, the more drivers there are out on the road,…
There are few things more unfortunate than becoming permanently disabled as a result of a work-related injury or disease that causes an illness due to your line of work. That being said, it may be of some comfort to know that you may be entitled to disability benefits because of your state’s workers’ compensation system put in place for situations…
If you know someone who has suffered an injury while on the job, you’ve likely heard of workers’ compensation. Under this system, injured employees are able to receive medical treatment and have a portion of their wages replaced after being injured in a work-related accident or becoming ill on the job. This system is governed by a set of laws,…