What used to be routine traffic stops have now evolved into traffic stops of national attention. Between dash cams, cell phones, police body cameras and other recording devices, every traffic stop comes with an added sense of caution. As a motorist in New Jersey, it is important to know what a police officer can and cannot do during a traffic…
The U.S. Constitution and the New Jersey state constitution protect an accused person’s right to legal counsel at a number of steps in the criminal investigation and trial process, from interrogations by police officers to the trial itself. In order to ensure that people have access to the help of a lawyer even when they have no money or other…
Learn More About Open Container Laws in New Jersey Alcohol related charges are serious and can often carry high penalties. These laws are put in place to ensure the safety of others, as alcohol can lead to a variety of dangerous situations. But open container laws have often been a source of confusion, leading many to the wrong side of…
Many things happen in the heat of a stressful moment. Nobody knows how they’re going to react to something until it happens to them. Unfortunately, in many cases, the innate reaction to a situation is panic and the need to escape. While this is a good survival tactic in some situations, it could land a person in serious trouble in…
Terrorism is a hot subject in today’s political climate. It seems everywhere people turn, there is a new threat or incident of some kind of terrorist activity. The amount of fear this has created around the world has made even doing common, everyday tasks more difficult. Alertness is at all-time high. It follows then that making a terroristic threat has…