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Criminal Defense

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Ways to Prepare for an Upcoming Trial

If you have been charged with a crime and the case is headed to trial in superior court or municipal court, or if you were injured in an accident and the case is being presented to a jury in civil court, you are going to need an experienced trial attorney on your side. In fact, when it comes to preparing…

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When a Search Without a Warrant Can Become Legal

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution provides U.S. citizens with a constitutional right against unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement. If a search is conducted without a warrant and is therefore considered illegal, it is possible that any evidence found by police during the illegal search will be deemed inadmissible during trial in court. However, under certain…

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New Jersey Faces Serious Heroin Abuse Problem

The State of New Jersey is in the throes of a serious heroin epidemic, with state medical examiner records showing that there have been more than 5,000 heroin-related deaths in the state in the past five years. New Jersey lawmakers, health officials and other interested parties are drawing attention to the heroin epidemic because it seems to be affecting underage…

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Bus Accident




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