Although the number of car accident injuries and fatalities have gone down overall over the past few decades, accident rates in New Jersey have actually increased in recent years. In addition, there are some stark contrasts in statistics when looking at accidents that occur in urban and suburban areas of New Jersey versus the more rural parts of the state. …
After you have been involved in a car accident in New Jersey, your mind is likely racing thinking about all the things you will need to take care of — treating your injuries, getting your car fixed, paying your bills if you are going to miss time from work. But one of the first things you need to do after…
The summer season often means many of us will hit the road to get out to enjoy events in the warmer weather and to take road-trip vacations. While the summer is considered the most dangerous season to be driving, you can take steps to help keep yourself safe and protect yourself from the increased risks of motor vehicle accidents…
Were you injured in an accident in Westfield, NJ? Call the Westfield personal injury lawyers at Bramnick Law to file a claim. Memorial Day Weekend is an opportunity for many people to hit the road for a long-distance vacation or even just to go somewhere fun near home. But with extra people on the road comes an increased risk of…
If you’ve been involved in a car accident while you were pregnant, you are not only worried and stressed about the injuries or harm that you may have suffered, but also for any harm that may have come to your unborn baby. You need to understand your rights and options and what steps to after after you’ve been in a…