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Car Accidents

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Can I Be Held Liable for Another Person Driving in a Car Accident?

After a serious New Jersey car accident, many different questions emerge. One major question is likely to be whether you can be held liable for another person’s driving. Even if you were not in the car, you could be held responsible for a car accident that occurred with another driver. Legal Responsibility for Car Accidents on NJ Roads and Highways…

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How Uber & Lyft Accidents Occur

It used to be luck of the draw when hailing a cab for a ride home after a night out. Or if you planned ahead, you could call for a taxi to pick you up and take you to your desired destination. But now, getting a ride almost anywhere is made easy with a smartphone. All you have to do…

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Suing for Injuries as a Passenger in a New Jersey Car Accident

When a car accident occurs, the driver of a vehicle involved in the crash may not be the only person who is injured. Any passenger can also be injured, and those injuries can be just as severe as injuries suffered by a driver. After suffering a passenger injury, you may wonder what your options are. Often, passengers can seek damages…

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How Are Car Accident Settlements Determined?

A common question for many who have gotten in an accident – how is my car accident settlement actually determined? There are a number of factors that go into determining a settlement, but one big game changer can be whether or not you have an attorney on your side. Take for example, that you do not have an attorney with…

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