Steps to Take After a Car Accident If you are in a car accident and suffer any physical injuries or property damage as a result, you are probably wondering what choices you have in terms of financial compensation. Just like every other state, New Jersey has a set of laws that dictate these cases, and knowing a little about them…
Motor Vehicle Accident FAQ When you’ve been in an accident in New Jersey, it’s important to understand how fault is established so you know who to hold responsible for your injuries. Regardless of the type of accident you’ve been involved in, whether they be car accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents and more, having an experienced personal injury attorney by your…
On January 24, 2019 at about 7:30 pm, a bus driving on Route 80 in Parsippany collided with the median and then crashed into three cars. This terrible bus accident killed one person and injured at least thirty-six, two critically. The police are investigating the cause of this horrible accident. This headline and the terrible details of this accident seem…
After an accident, it is natural to experience shock and confusion about what has happened. It is also normal to not fully grasp the extent of your injuries until the shock of the accident has passed. For this reason, accident victims should always seek out a medical evaluation to rule out the possibility of injuries. Questions to Ask Your Doctor…
One of the best things about the holidays is spending time with our loved ones. For most Americans, this means traveling long distances to be together with extended family members. Research conducted by Allstate indicates that the average one-way distance to holiday vacation areas is usually over 200 miles for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other holidays throughout the year. Be Safe…