Available 24/7 866.845.5571

Workers’ Compensation: Authorized and Unauthorized Medical Treatment

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Medical Treatment in NJ Workers’ Compensation Cases

New Jersey Workers’ Comp Medical Treatment Options

An injured worker who is not receiving authorized medical care from his employer, either because the employer has not provided it or the employee has not requested it, will have difficulties receiving proper medical care. Workers Compensation insurance is deemed “primary” when you are injured on the job. That means your health insurance will deny you benefits if they suspect that your injuries are related to your employment. Under such circumstances, it is imperative that you contact an experienced Workers Compensation attorney.

The Attorneys at Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC have represented injured workers in various New Jersey Workers Compensation Courts, including Morris County, Union County, Middlesex County, Hudson County, Somerset County and Bergen County. It is our job to ensure that you receive all the benefits due you under the law. Foremost amongst these benefits is all reasonable and necessary medical treatment. Such treatment could result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in outstanding medical bills, which you should not have to pay. Remember, insurance companies have attorney’s protecting their interests. You should do the same.

Get Free Advice From An Experienced Workers Compensation Injury Lawyer. All You Have To Do Is Call 866-845-5571 or Fill Out Our Free Case Evaluation Form.

Free Consultations Available – New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Time is critical in making sure that you receive proper medical attention. Therefore, it is imperative that you first report the accident, and then contact an attorney immediately afterwards. We have recovered Millions of dollars for injured workers throughout the State. Whether your injury is a herniated disc, bone fracture, carpal tunnel, or any other serious injury, call the Attorneys at Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC at 908.322.7000 for a free consultation.




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