Westfield Criminal Lawyers
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The law firm of Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC handles criminal cases throughout New Jersey. Our criminal defense lawyers have many years of experience assisting clients with criminal matters. Gary Grabas and Casey Woodruff are former Prosecutors. Jon Bramnick is a New Jersey “Super Lawyer” with over 30 years of experience.
Crimes arising out of Westfield are handled in either Westfield Municipal Court or Union County Superior Court. Westfield Municipal Court is located at 425 East Broad Street. The Honorable Brenda Coppola Cuba presides over the Court. Westfield Municipal Court has jurisdiction over cases involving non-indictable offenses that occur within Westfield. Non-indictable offenses include violations of municipal ordinance, motor vehicle violations, disorderly person offenses and petty disorderly person offenses. Therefore, many times offenses such as DWI, simple assault, resisting arrest, underage drinking or shoplifting are handled in Westfield Municipal Court. These offenses can have severe consequences. In Westfield Municipal Court, a conviction may result in a loss of driving privileges, probation, fines, surcharges or imprisonment.
Indictable offenses arising out of Westfield are handled in Union County Superior Court, which is located at 2 Broad Street in Elizabeth. These offenses require a grand jury determination as to whether enough evidence exists for a trial. Many times indictable offenses are categorized as either violent or non-violent. Violent criminal offenses handled in Union County Superior Court may include: murder, manslaughter, arson, robbery or rape. Non-violent criminal offenses (commonly referred to as white-collar crimes) may include: tax evasion, embezzlement, fraud, insider trading, bribery or forgery. The penalties for a conviction of a criminal offense handled in Union County Superior Court may involve incarceration, fines and community service.
All criminal convictions in New Jersey are serious. If you have been charged with a criminal offense, it is important to consult a New Jersey lawyer. Our criminal defense attorneys know how to protect your rights. For a free consultation, contact us at (908) 322-7000. We can be reached 24 hours a day.
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