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Warren Shoplifting Lawyer

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Shoplifting Lawyer in Warren, NJ

Warren, NJ Theft Attorneys Defend Clients Against Shoplifting Charges

The criminal defense attorneys at Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC, L.L.C., have many years of experience handling shoplifting offenses. Attorneys Casey Woodruff, Gary Grabas, and Robert Rowbotham, II are all former prosecutors. Jon Bramnick is a Certified Civil Trial Lawyer with over 30 years of trial experience. If you have been arrested for shoplifting in Warren, New Jersey, we may be able to possibly assist you.

Those arrested for shoplifting in Warren, New Jersey will generally have their case handled in Warren Municipal court. Warren Municipal Court is located at 44 Mountain Boulevard. The Honorable Mark S. Adler presides over the Court. However, if the merchandise taken is valued at more than $200, the case may be heard in Somerset County Superior Court, which is located 20 North Bridge Street in Somerville.

Penalties for Shoplifting Offenses in Warren, New Jersey

The information below outlines the penalties for shoplifting in New Jersey.

    1. Merchandise Value
    2. Imprisonment
    3. Fine
    4. Type of Offense

2nd Degree

3rd Degree

4th Degree

Disorderly Persons

Types of Shoplifting Offenses in Warren NJ

Many times those arrested for shoplifting are surprised to learn of the charge against them as they have, in fact, paid for the merchandise. However, in New Jersey, shoplifting offenses can include any of the following acts:

Therefore, if while shopping in Warren you alter the price tag a DVD in order to deprive the store of its full value, you may be convicted of shoplifting in New Jersey.

Free Consultations Available – Warren Shoplifting Attorney

If you would like to schedule a free consultation to discuss a shoplifting offense with one of our experienced criminal defense attorneys, contact us at: (908) 322-7000.




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