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Verona Traffic Ticket Lawyer

Available 24 Hours a Day. 7 Days a Week

Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Verona, NJ

Verona Traffic Attorneys Help Motorists Fight Tickets

Traffic tickets and violations issued by the Verona Police Department cover a wide array of motor vehicle offenses. At Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC, our attorneys possess the knowledge, skill and experience to handle all Verona traffic tickets and motor vehicle matters. Gary Grabas, Casey Woodruff and Robert C. Rowbotham, II are all former Prosecutors. Jon M. Bramnick is a New Jersey “Super Lawyer” with over 30 years of trial experience. Our Verona traffic ticket lawyers are always available to discuss your case and represent you in the Verona Municipal Court.

Traffic Tickets Handled in Verona Municipal Court

The Verona Municipal Court is located at 600 Bloomfield Ave. The Police Records Officer is Chief Douglas Huber. Lastly, and most importantly, The Court Administrator is Jean DePoe. This Court handles all traffic tickets issued in Verona as well as disorderly persons offenses and municipal code violations.

If you receive a traffic ticket in Verona, you should speak to a Verona traffic ticket lawyer. This is because some traffic summonses carry severe penalties. These penalties may include substantial fines, a suspension of your driver’s license, increased insurance costs and many other possible outcomes.

Common Traffic Violations in Verona, New Jersey

The law firm of Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC can represent you in the Verona Municipal Court and will fight to protect your rights. Here are some of the more common traffic ticket offenses that commonly occur in Verona.

Verona Traffic Ticket Offenses:

As discussed above, all of these matters are heard in the Verona Municipal Court. Directions to the Verona Municipal Court are set forth below.

Directions to the Verona Municipal Court

Verona is located approximately 15 miles West of Manhattan. Out of town visitors can get to Verona as follows:

From Route 80:
Take Rt. 23 South 5 miles to Bloomfield Ave. Make a right on to Bloomfield Ave. to get to Verona Park, the Civic Center and the Community Center.
Note: North of Bloomfield Ave., Rt. 23 is also known as Pompton Avenue. South of Bloomfield Ave, Rt. 23 becomes Mt. Prospect Avenue, and Prospect Avenue.

From Route 280 (East Side of Town):
Take exit 8B to Prospect Ave. North. This road becomes Mt. Prospect Ave. before it passes Bloomfield Ave. and Pompton Ave. after it passes Bloomfield Ave. Make a left to get to Verona Park, the Civic Center and the Community Center.

From Route 280 (West Side of Town):
Take exit 7 to Pleasant Valley Way North. When this road enters Verona, it is called Lakeside Ave. The road ends at Bloomfield Ave. Make a left to get to the Civic Center and Community Center. Verona Park is at this intersection.

From Montclair, Glen Ridge, Bloomfield:
Take Bloomfield Ave. westbound.

From the Caldwells:
Take Bloomfield Ave. eastbound.

Free Consultations Available – Verona Traffic Ticket Attorney
973. 273. 0023

For a free consultation with a Verona traffic ticket attorney, contact us at 973.273.0023. We can be reached 24 hours a day.




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