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Union Drug Possession Lawyer

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Union NJ Drug Possession Lawyers

Drug Charge Attorneys Help Clients Stay Out of Jail in Union, New Jersey

If you have been charged with marijuana possession, it is important to consult with a New Jersey criminal defense attorney. The law firm of Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC has lawyers who specialize in criminal defense law. Jon Bramnick is a Certified Civil Trial Lawyer with over 30 years of trial experience, and attorneys Casey Woodruff, Gary Grabas, and Robert Rowbotham, II are all former prosecutors. Our criminal defense attorneys regularly represent clients charged with marijuana possession in Union and throughout New Jersey.

Severe Penalties for Marijuana Possession in Union NJ

A person convicted of possession of marijuana in a quantity less than fifty (50) grams may be subject to six (6) months in jail and up to $1,000 fine. In addition, he or she will lose his or her New Jersey driving privileges for at least 6 months and up to 2 years. In New Jersey, marijuana possession cases are taken very seriously.

The penalties become more severe if you are caught with marijuana while in your vehicle. Under New Jersey law, any marijuana or controlled substance found in your vehicle will result in a fine of $50 or more and a mandatory two (2) year suspension of your driving privileges. This suspension starts from the date of your conviction.

Free Consultations Available – Union Drug Possession Attorney

You can reach us 24 hours a day, and if you would like to schedule a free consultation, you can reach us at (908) 322-7000. We are conveniently located in nearby Scotch Plains and have offices in Newark and Florham Park as well.




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