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Union County Restraining Order Lawyer

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Union County Restraining Order Lawyers

Restraining Order Attorney Helps Clients Challenge TROs and FROs in Union County, NJ

Accusations of domestic violence place your freedom and reputation in jeopardy and may result in the issuance of restraining orders. Under Court Rules, a judge shall issue a temporary restraining order when the applicant appears to be in danger of domestic violence. The order may be issued in the absence and without notification of the alleged abuser when necessary to protect the life, health, or well-being of a victim on whose behalf the relief is sought. A final restraining order shall be issued on a specific finding of domestic violence or by stipulation to the commission of act(s) of domestic violence by the defendant.

Consequences of a Restraining Order in Union County NJ

In New Jersey, a restraining order can have serious consequences on your life. If someone obtains a restraining order against you it will bar you from ever having any contact with that person. If that person is your spouse or the parent of your children, the restraining order will control your access to your children. You may have to pick up your children at a local police department if you are barred from going to the house where they live.

In addition, a restraining order can place you on a domestic violence registry. This can have a negative affect on your job. A final restraining is permanent and can control your life forever.

Restraining Order Violations in Union County, New Jersey

If you have violated a domestic violence restraining order in Union County, New Jersey, you will be charged under N.J.S.A. 2C:29-9, Contempt. Contempt is most often charged as a disorderly persons offense carrying a maximum penalty of one (1) year in jail. If, however, you are charged with another disorderly person offense, or an indictable offense, when you violate the restraining order you may be facing a 4th Degree indictable contempt charge. Contempt raises from a disorderly persons violation to a 4th Degree indictable charge when the underlying offense that caused the violation of the restraining order was a disorderly persons offense or higher. A 4th Degree criminal charge can carry up to (18) months of jail time.

Free Consultations Available – Union County Restraining Order Attorneys

At the law office of Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC, our criminal defense lawyers have many years of experience handling Contempt charges in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:29-9, and other domestic violence related charges in Union County and throughout New Jersey. Casey Woodruff, Gary Grabas and Robert Rowbotham are all former prosecutors. Casey Woodruff was a prosecutor for Union County. Jon Bramnick is a Certified Civil Trial Lawyer with over 30 years of experience.

If you have been charged with violation of a restraining order in Union County, New Jersey and would like to speak with one of our criminal defense attorneys, you can contact us any time at (908) 322-7000. We are available 24 hours a day and the initial consultation is always free.




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