Springfield DWI Lawyer
Available 24 Hours a Day. 7 Days a Week
In New Jersey, DWI is commonly associated with persons who drink and drive. Indeed, a person found to be operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of 0.08 or above is guilty of DWI in New Jersey. However, DWI also includes circumstances where a person is found to be operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs. For example, if a police officer observes a person driving erratically and, after stopping the vehicle, believes the driver to be under the influence of drugs, the driver may be charged with DWI.
Those charged with DWI/DUI in Springfield, New Jersey will most likely have to appear in Springfield Municipal Court. Springfield Municipal Court is located at 100 Mountain Avenue. The Honorable Steven W. Firsichbaum presides over the court.
If you have been charged with DWI in Springfield, it is important to consult with a New Jersey lawyer. The law firm of Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC regularly represents clients charged with DWI in Springfield, New Jersey and throughout Union County. Our criminal defense attorneys have many years of experience handling DWI cases. Casey Woodruff is a former Union County Prosecutor who has argued before the New Jersey Supreme Court. Gary Grabas was a Prosecutor in Morris County and Middlesex County. Jon Bramnick is a Certified Civil Trial Lawyer with over 30 years of experience.
To schedule a free consultation with one of our criminal defense attorneys, call 908.322.7000. We are available 24 hours a day.
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