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South Plainfield Underage Drinking Lawyer

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Underage Drinking Lawyer in South Plainfield, NJ

South Plainfield Juvenile Crime Attorneys Defend Clients Against Underage Drinking Charges

In New Jersey, underage drinking is taken very seriously. Underage drinking offenses arising out of South Plainfield, New Jersey are generally handled in the South Plainfield Municipal Court. The court is located at 2480 Plainfield Avenue. The Honorable Spencer B. Robbins presides over the court. The court administrator is Karen R. Costantino.

Anyone under the age of 21 possessing a blood alcohol level of 0.01% or more, but less than 0.08% has violated New Jersey’s underage drinking and driving laws. Under N.J.S.A. § 39: 4-50.14, a licensed driver who violates this law will be:

Experienced Juvenile Crime Lawyers Help Minors Fight Underage Drinking Charges in South Plainfield, New Jersey

If you have been charged with underage drinking in South Plainfield, New Jersey, it is important to consult with a New Jersey criminal defense lawyer. The criminal lawyers at the law firm of Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC regularly represent clients in South Plainfield Municipal Court for underage drinking. Our criminal attorneys have had many years of experience handling such offenses. Casey Woodruff, Robert Rowbotham and Gary Grabas are former Prosecutors. Jon Bramnick is a Certified Civil Trial Lawyer with over 30 years of experience.

Free Consultation Available – South Plainfield Underage Drinking Lawyers

Our criminal defense lawyers are always available to answer any of your questions and concerns. If you would like to schedule a free initial consultation with one of our underage drinking lawyers, you can contact us at (908) 322-7000. We offer direct access to our attorneys 24 hours a day.




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