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North Plainfield Shoplifting Lawyer

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North Plainfield Shoplifting Lawyers

Shoplifting Attorneys Defend Clients Against Theft Crime Charges in North Plainfield, NJ

The law firm of Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC regularly represents persons charged with shoplifting offenses in New Jersey. Our criminal defense attorneys have many years experience handling shoplifting offenses. Casey Woodruff is former Union County Prosecutor who has argued criminal cases before the New Jersey Supreme Court. Gary Grabas is a former Middlesex and Morris County Prosecutor. Robert C. Rowbotham, II is a former Essex County Prosecutor and Deputy Attorney General. Jon Bramnick is a Certified Civil Trial Lawyer with over 30 years of trial experience.

In New Jersey, a person may be convicted for shoplifting if they:

North Plainfield Shoplifting Penalties

The penalties for shoplifting in New Jersey can be severe depending on the value of the stolen merchandise. Under N.J.S.A. 2C:20-11c, the following penalties apply:

  1. Merchandise Value
  2. Imprisonment
  3. Fine

Type of Offense

2nd Degree

3rd Degree

4th Degree

Disorderly Person

Shoplifting Arrests & Trials in North Plainfield, New Jersey

If you are arrested for shoplifting in North Plainfield, your case will be handled in either North Plainfield Municipal court or Somerset County Superior Court depending on the value of the merchandise. North Plainfield Municipal Court handles cases where the amount of merchandise taken totals less than $200. All other cases are handled in Somerset County Superior Court, located at 20 North Bridge Street in Somerville. North Plainfield Municipal Court is located at 2261 Rte 206 in Belle Mead. The Honorable Robert Eric M. Perkins presides over the Court.

Free Consultations Available – North Plainfield Shoplifting Lawyer

Those arrested for shoplifting in New Jersey should consult with a lawyer. If you have been arrested for shoplifting in North Plainfield, our criminal defense attorneys may be able to possibly assist you.




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