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Motor Vehicle Points in New Jersey

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Motor Vehicle Points Lawyer in NJ

NJ Traffic Lawyers: The Assessment of Points to Your New Jersey Driving Record

In New Jersey, points are added to your driving record when you are convicted of or plead guilty to a moving violation. The accumulation of points on your driving record can lead to surcharges, higher insurance premiums, and the loss of your driving privileges.

New Jersey allows for motor vehicle offenses to be downgraded after negotiations with municipal court prosecutors. By pleading guilty to a lesser offense, the number of points assessed to your driving record will likely be reduced. We will negotiate with municipal court prosecutors to have a motor vehicle infraction downgraded on the client’s behalf. The law firm of Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC represents clients throughout Union and Morris County with traffic related offenses.

How Many Points Can I Acquire Before I Lose My New Jersey Driver’s License?

If you accumulate 12 points on your driving record, your driving privileges will be suspended. Once you accrue 6 points on your driving record, you are subject to heavy surcharges or fines. Moreover, every point assessed after the 6 will lead to additional surcharges being levied against you.

Can I Receive Points for an Out-of-State Ticket in NJ?

Yes. If you receive a traffic ticket in another state, New Jersey will add 2 points to your driving record regardless of what type of offense occurred in the other state.

Can Points Be Deducted from My New Jersey Driving Record?

Yes. There are a few ways to earn point deductions:

How Many Points Will I Receive for Careless Driving in New Jersey?

A careless driving ticket can result in 2 points being assessed to your driving record. Please refer to the chart below for the points associated with other motor vehicle offenses.


I Wish to Contest My NJ Traffic Ticket – What Can I Do?

Discuss your case with a New Jersey lawyer. If you have received a New Jersey traffic ticket, we may be able to help you. Our defense lawyers are experienced in handling motor vehicle infractions. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.

Free Consultations Available – New Jersey Traffic Ticket Attorneys

You can reach us 24 hours a day. Call (908) 322-7000.




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