Edison DWI Lawyer
Available 24 Hours a Day. 7 Days a Week
The consequences of driving while intoxicated (DWI/DUI) conviction in New Jersey are severe. For example, the first conviction for DWI could result in a loss of license for anywhere from three (3) months to a year. Those found guilty of DWI also face a fine of up to $500 as well as possible imprisonment. Furthermore, New Jersey assesses a surcharge of $1,000 per year for three (3) years.
Because the penalties for DWI/DUI are severe, it is important to consult with a New Jersey criminal defense lawyer. The law firm of Bramnick, Rodriguez, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC has lawyers who specialize in criminal defense law. Attorneys Casey Woodruff, Gary Grabas, and Robert Rowbotham, II are all former prosecutors. Jon Bramnick is a Certified Civil Trial Lawyer with over 30 years of trial experience. Our criminal defense attorneys regularly represent clients charged with drunk driving offenses.
If you have been charged with DWI in Edison, New Jersey, our criminal defense attorneys may be able to assist you. Our criminal defense attorneys regularly represent clients in Edison Municipal Court. We have an office in nearby Scotch Plains, New Jersey. You can reach us 24 hours a day at (908) 322-7000.
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