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East Brunswick Marijuana Charges Lawyer

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Marijuana Charges Attorney in East Brunswick, NJ

Drug Crime Lawyer Helps Clients Fight Marijuana Charges in East Brunswick, New Jersey

East Brunswick is an attractive suburban community located about 30 miles southwest of New York City in Middlesex County, New Jersey with a population of just over 45,000 residents. Established in the mid nineteenth century, the township has a wide range of cultural facilities and is known as a community with strong educational, cultural and historical amenities. East Brunswick is a family oriented town with neighborhood parks and tree lined streets which reflect its historical development. The township’s residents take great pride in their community and strive to keep it a safe place. East Brunswick is a socially and ethnically diverse community offering a wide range of amenities to residents and visitors alike. Despite all of these great attributes, it is sometimes necessary for the East Brunswick Police Department to investigate marijuana possession as well as other drug offenses and file charges against those involved.

Marijuana Charges Handled in East Brunswick Municipal Court

A person charged with marijuana possession in East Brunswick, New Jersey will have their matter handled in the East Brunswick Municipal Court or Middlesex County Superior Court in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Whether the case is handled in municipal court or superior court is determined by the amount of marijuana allegedly confiscated by the police. In New Jersey, 6 ounces or less of marijuana is now legal for adults 21 or older. An amount greater than 6 ounces is a crime under New Jersey law. If you or a relative is charged with marijuana possession or drug paraphernalia in East Brunswick, it is important to discuss your case with an experienced East Brunswick marijuana possession attorney.

Charges alleging the possession of marijuana in East Brunswick are quite serious. At Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC, our attorneys possess the knowledge and skill to handle marijuana possession cases and all other East Brunswick criminal matters. Gary Grabas, Casey Woodruff and Robert C. Rowbotham, II are all former Prosecutors. Jon M. Bramnick is a New Jersey “Super Lawyer” with over 30 years of trial experience. If you have been charged with marijuana possession in East Brunswick, it is wise to immediately seek the assistance of an East Brunswick marijuana possession lawyer.

East Brunswick Marijuana Possession Penalties

A conviction for marijuana possession over 6 ounces may result in some or all of the following consequences:

Free Consultations Available – East Brunswick Marijuana Charges Lawyer 908.322.7000

If you have been charged with marijuana possession or any drug possession offense in East Brunswick and would like to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case with one of our criminal defense attorneys, you can reach us at 908.322.7000. We can be reached 24 hours a day.

Directions to East Brunswick Municipal Court

From NJ Turnpike heading SOUTH from New York, Elizabeth, etc.

Take EXIT 9 to Route 18 South and proceed 2.5 miles to Cranbury exit (Middlesex County Rt. 525 south). There is a Raceway gas station on the right before the exit. Proceed 5 lights to Rues Lane. Right turn onto Rues Lane. Go ¼ miles to parking lot 3 on right side.

From NJ Turnpike heading NORTH from Philadelphia, Camden, etc.

Take EXIT 8A and bear right after toll booth heading west on Route 32. At 1st light, turn right onto Middlesex County Rte. #535 north (South River-Cranbury Rd). After 7 th light, follow signs for u-turn and left turn (reverse jug-handle). Make right onto Rues Land and proceed through light ¼ mile to parking lot 3 on right.

From Route 18 heading NORTH from Asbury Park, Marlboro, etc.

Pass Burger King and Stuff Yer Face Restaurant and take jug handle at Rues Lane and cross Route 18 (Brunswick Square Mall will be on the right). Go to 3 rd light after mall. Turn left at 3 rd light onto Cranbury Road. At 1 st light make right turn onto Rues Lane again. Proceed ¼ mile to parking lot 3 on right.




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