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East Brunswick Juvenile Crimes Lawyer

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Juvenile Crime Attorney in East Brunswick, NJ

Criminal Defense Lawyers Help Minors Fight Juvenile Crime Charges in East Brunswick, New Jersey

Having a child, relative or close family friend charged with a juvenile crime can be an overwhelming experience. It is important to consult with a New Jersey juvenile defense lawyer. The law firm of Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC has lawyers who specialize in juvenile crimes cases. Attorneys Casey Woodruff, Gary Grabas, and Robert Rowbotham, II are all former prosecutors. Jon Bramnick is a Certified Civil Trial Lawyer with over 30 years of trial experience. Our juvenile defense attorneys regularly represent clients charged with a variety of offenses that carry potentially serious consequences for juveniles.

East Brunswick is an attractive suburban community in Middlesex County, New Jersey located approximately 30 miles south of New York City and home to just over 45,000 residents. The township offers its residents a wide array of programs, facilities, and events allowing its young people the ability to participate in many activities. East Brunswick has numerous playing fields, tennis and basketball courts, art workshops, technology classes and social clubs. Despite the strong commitment to its youth, it is sometimes necessary for the East Brunswick Police Department to investigate juvenile crimes and file formal charges against those involved.

Juvenile Delinquency Charges in East Brunswick, NJ

If your child is 14 years or older and charged with an offense that would be a crime if committed by an adult, the agency charging your child will take all reasonable steps to fingerprint your child. This is permitted by N.J.S.A. 2A:4A-6la(3). It is also likely that your child will be photographed for criminal identification purposes and a copy of his or her picture will be sent to the county prosecutor. In order to ensure the best outcome possible and to protect him or her from the possible consequences of a conviction that may affect college admission and future employment opportunities, it is important to consult with an experienced juvenile crimes lawyer.

Some of the more common juvenile acts of delinquency include:

After a child has been formally charged with an act of delinquency the case will most like proceed in the following manner:

Hearings for Juvenile Offenses in East Brunswick, NJ

Hearings for juveniles charged as delinquents in Family Court are required to be held within specific mandated time limitations, particularly regarding juveniles held in secure detention. N.J.S.A. 2A:4A-38.

The hearings are held in the following order and within the noted time periods: an initial detention hearing is to be held within 24 hours of admission; for juveniles remanded to detention, the initial probable cause hearing and second detention hearing are to be held within two court days; the juvenile is released from detention pending a subsequent hearing if probable cause is not found.

Detention Review Hearings for Juvenile Defendants in East Brunswick, NJ

Detained juvenile review hearings are held at fourteen and twenty one day intervals where the individual’s detention status is reconsidered by a judge.

Adjudication Hearing in East Brunswick

At the adjudicatory hearing, the court makes a determination on the delinquency charges. A juvenile may be adjudicated delinquent on one or more of the charges; the other charges are dismissed. After an adjudication of delinquency the judge will order a disposition. In detained cases, the disposition hearing is to occur within 60 court days of admission to detention unless extended by the court for good cause.

Juvenile Sentencing of Juvenile Offenders in East Brunswick, New Jersey

Judges are allowed a wide array of dispositions in adjudicated cases by Code. Probation supervision is a common outcome, and probation is often ordered along with other requirements such as performing community service or paying financial restitution. In addition, probation is ordered along with more restrictive requirements such as entering a residential program or undergoing counseling. Probation is a major resource to the Family Court and the juvenile justice system. If your child is charged with a serious offense or has a history of juvenile delinquency, the Judge may also sentence your child to a period of incarceration in a state run juvenile detention facility.

Free Consultations Available – East Brunswick Juvenile Crimes Lawyer
(908) 322-7000

If your child has been charged with an act of delinquency in East Brunswick, New Jersey, our juvenile criminal defense attorneys may be able to assist you. Our juvenile criminal defense attorneys regularly represent juvenile clients. You can reach us 24 hours a day at (908) 322-7000. The initial consultation is free.




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