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Branchburg Shoplifting Lawyer

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Shoplifting Lawyers in Branchburg, NJ

How Is Shoplifting Defined in New Jersey?

Frequently, issues arise as to why a person was charged with a shoplifting when they, in fact, paid for the merchandise. The reason for this confusion is due to the broad definition of “shoplifting.” Shoplifting offenses include:

What Are the Penalties for Shoplifting in Branchburg, NJ?

The penalty for a defended convicted of shoplifting depends on the value of merchandise. The table outlines the penalties for each offense.

Merchandise Value



Type of Offense

$75,000 or more

5 – 10 years

Up to $150,000

2nd Degree

Over $500 and less than $75,000

3 – 5 years

Up to $150,000

3rd Degree

$200 to $500

Up to 18 months

Up to $10,000

4th Degree

Less than $200

Up to 6 months

Up to $1,000

Disorderly Persons

Where Will I Be Tried If Arrested for Shoplifting in Branchburg, NJ?

If you are arrested for shoplifting in Branchburg, your case will be handled in either Branchburg Municipal court or Somerset County Superior Court depending on the value of the merchandise.

Branchburg Municipal Court handles cases where the amount of merchandise taken totals less than $200. Branchburg Municipal Court is located at 1077 U.S. Highway 22 North. The Honorable William T. Kelleher, Jr. presides over the Court.
All other cases are handled in Somerset County Superior Court, located at 20 North Bridge Street in Somerville. The Criminal Division of the Court handles shoplifting cases.

What Should I Do If I Am Arrested for Shoplifting in Branchburg, New Jersey?

If you are arrested for shoplifting in New Jersey, it is advised that you consult with a lawyer. If you have been arrested for shoplifting in Branchburg, we may be able to assist you.

Our attorneys at Bramnick, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC, L.L.C., are skilled at representing individuals who have been arrested for shoplifting. Attorneys Casey Woodruff, Gary Grabas, and Robert Rowbotham, II. are former prosecutors, whose experience as prosecutors have given them insight into the prosecution of shoplifting offenses. Jon Bramnick is a Certified Civil Trial Lawyer with over 30 years of trial experience.

Contact an Experienced Shoplifting Defense Attorney in Branchburg, NJ Today!

If you would like to schedule a free consultation to discuss a shoplifting offense with one of our criminal defense lawyers, contact us at: (908) 322-7000.

Free Consultations Available – Branchburg Shoplifting Lawyers

(908) 322-7000




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